Thursday, October 19, 2006

My Public Announcement

Ladies and Gentlemen and to those who don’t behave like ladies or gentleman (my attempt at being PC)

I would like to make a formal public announcement, but seeing as I’m not allowed to stand on my desk and shout, and if I did shout it would only reach inappropriate ears (some hairy, some not) – I’ve decided to yell right here.

So pay attention. (I’m not yelling by the way…. Meaning gets lost in volume and I have no intention of invoking fear.)

Holly Fay will NOT be going to Australia. Holly Fay shall NOT be going anywhere to seek out people. Holly Fay shall ONLY be going to a place that interests her, and she will focus only on herself and her personal goals that involve her head and her heart and her ability to be alive and wondrous in this world.

If Holly Fay chooses to seek out people based on their peopliness, then all she will find is people who only know things about people NOT about anything else and people like that are boring. Why? Because it’s always present people and their present state of being which says nothing about anyone or anywhere or anytime. And that’s ri-god-damn-diculous.

THEREFORE I say to Holly Fay make your portfolio, love your art, love your hands, love your vision(and find your vision) and use this world to make you feel like the best person you can be to yourself. You are the only person who should matter to you. Then the peoply-people shan’t bother you or waste your time. Why? Because you are too busy negotiating your visions with someone who cares about what you do, and how you got there, and why your mind works the way it does. And that, my lovely, is what we are all looking for. Any shmoe can love your boobs, it takes a great human to love your heart.

And with that, I conclude this public announcement and I wish all seekers of life (myself included) the greatest of adventures and the best of minds.

Most Sincerely,
Elizabeth Hurlburt


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